Shinseki: VA to Move Forward with Electronic Records
Department of Veterans Affairs Secretary Eric Shinseki insisted at an April 15 congressional hearing that the VA will move forward on a joint electronic health records system with the Defense Department, even as Pentagon officials are pausing to review their approach.
Shinseki testified before the Senate Committee on Veterans Affairs on the VA’s $153 billion budget request for fiscal 2014, which he said includes $3.7 billion for IT systems aimed to increase healthcare quality and benefits. Among those systems are efforts to digitize and integrate medical records — many of which have come under fire in recent months for falling behind schedule.
“Currently the VA has several IT projects vital to… this nation’s veterans,” said Sen. Richard Burr (R-N.C.), the committee’s ranking member. “This unclear nature of the IT budget stands in way of Congress’ ability to conduct effective oversight of these programs to ensure they are operating efficiently and meeting milestones.”
Full article by Amber Corrin, FCW