Keysight Oscilloscope Promo Extended!
With this promotion customers receive all scope apps for the cost of just one! Both new purchases and upgrades are eligible for this promo. The promo ends November 30, 2014.
If you would like a GSA quote please let me know which Keysight oscilloscope series (e.g. 2000X, 3000X, or 4000X) you are interested in as well as the number of channels and maximum frequency. The promo applies to both DSO and MSO configurations, so if you would like MSO please let me know that as well.
Example: Order bundle CDSOX3APPBNDL for the InfiniiVision 3000 X-Series at a price of $800, and get all this:
DSOX3ADVMATH – Advanced Math Analysis
DSOX3AERO – MIL-STD 1553 and ARINC 429 Serial Triggering and Analysis
DSOX3AUDIO – Audio serial triggering and analysis (I2S)
DSOX3AUTO – Automotive Serial Triggering and Analysis(CAN,LIN)
DSOX3COMP – Computer Serial Triggering and Analysis (RS232/422/485/UART)
DSOX3EMBD – Embedded Serial Triggering and Analysis (I2C, SPI)
– Flexray Serial Triggering and Analysis
DSOX3MASK – Mask Limit Testing
DSOX3MEMUP – Memory Upgrade – 4M
DSOX3PWR – Power Analysis Application
DSOX3SGM – Segmented Memory Application
DSOX3VID – Enhanced Video/TV Application Package
DSOX3WAVEGEN – WaveGen 20 MHz Function/Arbitrary Waveform Generator
DSOXDVM – Integrated digital voltmeter
DSOXEDK – Education and Training Kit
Promotion details: