House Budget Plan Would Require Higher Federal Employee Retirement Contributions
A budget plan unveiled Tuesday by the Republican leaders of the House Budget Committee repeats a proposal to require federal employees to pay more of their salary toward their retirement benefits.
“In keeping with a recommendation from the National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform, this budget calls for Federal employees—including Members of Congress and congressional staff—to make greater contributions toward their own retirement,” the legislative language says.
The measure does not specify a percentage change, but that commission, commonly known as the Simpson-Bowles Commission, recommended that employees and the government equally share in funding those benefits. For most employees, that would mean an increase in their contributions of about 6 percent of salary.
The plan, a first step in the long congressional budget-setting process, is due to be considered by the committee Wednesday. The Senate counterpart committee is also set to take up its own version of the budget “resolution” Wednesday.
The resolution is a planning document that is not presented to the White House for signature or veto.
Similar provisions were in prior budget plans that passed the House in recent years but that went no farther as the Senate did not produce a counterpart plan. However, those House votes did help pave the way for smaller increases in the required contributions from employees first hired into the government in 2013 and later.
Full article by Eric Yoder, Washington Post