GSA’s Schedule Contract Consolidation Kicks Major Overhaul Effort Into Gear
Over the next six months, the General Services Administration will bring the first of many major changes to its schedules contracts program.
GSA is working with its vendors who provide professional services to launch the first consolidated schedule.
Tiffany Hixson, GSA’s Federal Acquisition Service’s professional services category executive, said the consolidated schedule for professional services is one of several ways the agency is trying to address agency-customer concerns.
The consolidated concept has been really well received by both customers and industry. There are huge efficiencies and benefits we are going to gain by the time we get done with the consolidation effort. We are on a path forward,” Hixson said in an exclusive interview with Federal News Radio at a recent Professional Services Council event. “We had to slow down the consolidation process just based on where industry is at, not where we are at. We will continue to process those consolidations and hope to have the whole project substantially complete by November.”
She said the November deadline includes a little bit of padding. The hope is that by Oct. 1, agencies will be able to take advantage of the consolidated schedule for professional services.
Along with the consolidated schedule for professional services, Hixson said FAS also is looking at simplifying the Special Item Numbers (SINs) structure and addressing how to apply Other Direct Costs (ODCs) to schedules, possibly testing the concept of an unpriced schedule and increasing customer support activities.
Full article by Jason Miller, Federal News Radio