Everyday Household Scope Uses
Whether you have a home lab or not, a scope has some everyday household uses.
Recently, the dishwasher that came with my 1928 house (no, I don’t think the machine was quite that old though) appeared to be on its last legs. Even judicious jiggling of the timer-selector was failing to give the desired wash and rinse. The racks and innards were not looking so pretty either. It was time.
The replacement unit was to be quiet, and of decent pedigree. Not top-of-the-line or anything – just something reliable and functional. The low-end range of a certain well-regarded German manufacturer was on sale. I went for it.
It arrived one chilly January day, and I was eager to get it up and running, though, bucking the popular trend, I did not video the unboxing. I extracted the machine from its cardboard cocoon, gathered up my tools, and went to work.
After the expected few hours of struggle with plumbing, electrical, and wood, I was relatively uninjured, and the dishwasher was installed. I pressed the start button. It made noises. Water flowed. Valves clicked. The motor drive flexed its muscles. That’s when my hands flew to my ears.
Emanating from the bowels of the machine was a piercing, high-pitched whine. I immediately conjectured, “Defective motor PWM drive!” I continued playing with the machine, starting and stopping it, letting it run a while. Washing dishes. Nothing changed.
Full article by Michael Dunn, EDN Network