Digital Experience Central to White House Effort to Improve Immigration System
The White House announced July 15 a major effort to improve the legal immigration system, delivering on several goals laid out in an executive order issued last November.
“Currently, the process to apply for a visa is complex, paper-based and confusing to the user,” according to a July 15 post to the White House blog.
“Many immigration documents pass through various computer systems and change hands no fewer than six times. Our goal is to modernize this process and deliver a positive experience to our users,” wrote Cecilia Mounoz, director of the White House’s domestic policy council, and Mikey Dickerson, administrator of the U.S. Digital Service, or USDS.
In collaboration with the State and Homeland Security departments, the USDS conducted a month-long assessment of the visa process. Its engineers and designers will launch a pilot program to “bring as much of this visa process online as possible” at six major consular posts this summer.
According to a related fact sheet (pdf), the administration is creating a cross-agency digital services team to support the implementation of the modernized immigrant visa effort. The White House said this will improve the experience for visa applicants and make the adjudication process more efficient.
The fact sheet said two task forces will also be established – one focused on crafting clearer, plain-language instructions and another for enhancing data collection and publication to improve transparency.
Full article by Molly Bernhart Walker, FierceGovernmentIT