Data Acquisition is Now the Domain of Modular Instruments
I’ve written many times about the upcoming modular disruption in electronic test. Due to the advantages of speed, size, and flexibility, modular standards such as PXI or AXIe are taking market share in electronic test applications, whether in design validation or manufacturing test.
But there is another segment, data acquisition, where modular instruments are all but a foregone conclusion. Why is that?
First of all, let’s distinguish between electronic test and data acquisition. Electronic test is defined as a test of an electronic product or assembly in some portion of the product’s lifecycle: research, design validation, manufacturing, or field service. Data acquisition, on the other hand, is recording of some physical or electronic phenomena. There may even be a control loop involved. The range of data acquisition applications span from simple temperature measurements to high-energy physics experiments. Of course, some applications such as spectral monitoring may be in the blurry boundary between the two.
Full article by Larry Desjardin, Test & Measurement World