Agilent T&M becomes Keysight; the Old HP Labs Keep the Agilent Name
Last Friday, August 1, the part of Agilent Technologies that makes test and measurement gear changed its name to Keysight (one-word, no intercap) Technologies, and separated itself financially from the part that was HP Labs. That part will continue to be called Agilent Labs, and will continue to do research in life sciences, microelectromechanical machines, and nanotechnology, and will get to keep the “Agilent” Moniker. Actually, for employees, there is to be little geographical displacement, although the top brass will now be headquartered in an enlarged facility in Santa Rosa, where the microwave operations have been for some time. Workers in Colorado are staying put and there seems to be some sharing of the old Hewlett-Packard facilities in Santa Clara among T&M workers.
The old Agilent, you may remember, was spun off from HP in 1999, when the company decided to divest itself of any products that were not computers or computer peripherals. HP Labs went along with that spinoff, but now it’s going to be Keysight Labs, a separate entity.
Full article by By Don Tuite, Electronic Design