18F’s API Standards, GSA’s Newest Dashboard, FCC’s Cyber-obligations and More
GSA’s 18F innovation incubator has released the first version of its application programming interface standards — a set of guidelines and recommendations for API production.
The standards are part of a living document and emphasize a focus on goals rather than specific tools. The standards incorporate some opinions, but tend to stay technology-neutral. For example, the 18F standards don’t allow for the use of JSONP because of the security
and performance concerns it raises, according to an 18F blog post.
“It is our intention that every 18F API meet these standards, to help us ensure a baseline quality and consistency across all APIs we offer now and in the future,” Alan DeLevie and Eric Mill said in the blog post.
18F began drafting its standards after forking, or creating an alternate version, of the White House’s API standards. “By publishing their standards in the open so others could benefit, the White House set an important example,” DeLevie and Mill said. The authors of the standards encourage users to fork GSA’s API standards and modify them to meet their agencies’ needs.
Full article by FCW Staff, FCW