TEST & MEASUREMENT ExersizeStorageDevices_lg

Published on January 24th, 2014 | by Roger Chu


Exercise Those Storage Devices

Data-communications equipment doesn’t live in a silo. It lives in a network or other system with other devices and it most communicate with them. In other words, devices on a network or other communications link must interoperate with each other. Storage products that use PCIe (PCI Express) as a communications bus are no exception.

Before you even can test for interoperability, you must test a product or system to be sure it needs design specifications and it confirms to communications standards. Comprehensive test coverage can help you achieve that goal. Even if you have the right test tools, deploying them to the product test specifications can still result in to incomplete test coverage unless you understand the test tools’ limitations, especially with PCIe.

Storage devices that communicate over PCIe taken a tremendous jump. In an effort to increase performance, protocol structures have become more advanced. Unlike the previous generation of storage devices, these new protocol structures use encoded data protection mechanisms that ensure

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reliable data transmission.

Full article by John Wiedemeier, EDN Network

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About the Author

is the Marketing Coordinator at GSAmart, the leading GSA sales and marketing partner for technology companies.

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